Messe Düsseldorf and the Caravaning Industry Association (CIVD) announced plans today for social distancing and other safety precautions at the CARAVAN SALON 2020 event, a major international trade fair for caravanning and camping set to take place September 4 – 13, 2020 at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.
“We are firmly convinced that CARAVAN SALON can generate key impulses for the entire industry and that it is indispensable to offer companies a stage again to re-boot the economy,” said CARAVAN SALON Director Stefan Koschke. “It is important for us to stress once again that the safety and health of our visitors, exhibitors and employees is always our top priority. We will put the required hygiene and safety requirements in place in a comprehensive and responsible manner.”
In close cooperation with the Ministry for Health and Economics of the North Rhine-Westphalian government, event organizers are designing an event concept that makes it possible to hold trade fairs within the current framework conditions and standards. Staff will implement necessary hygiene and infection protection standards throughout the fairgrounds and inside the exhibition halls.
“By adapting the layout in all areas of the exhibition center we are making it possible to keep the mandatory minimum distance of 6 feet everywhere,” Koschke said. “All hygiene measures will be stepped up, including hand sanitizing dispensers for stand personnel and visitors at all hall entrances and stands. Only several persons at a time, who are not subject to contact restrictions, will be permitted inside vehicles – on top of this, wearing face coverings is mandatory. With this, we are implementing the measures which, according to the current status, are accepted and followed by large parts of the population.”
Koschke said event organizers will monitor exhibit spaces to make sure attendees are following social distancing guidelines and other precautions. Compliance with the minimum distance will be ensured with existing video systems and increased staff deployment. Furthermore, the maximum number of visitors will be limited to 20,000 per day.
“We can guarantee this top limit by exclusively offering online tickets in advance for each day. This will also ensure visitor registration by name,” Koschke said.
CARAVAN SALON leaders hope that a successful 2020 event will set a measure for successful RV industry events and trade shows in the time of COVID-19.
“We can offer a very wide diversity of products across all categories in our halls. What is particularly important this year is that CARAVAN SALON showcases the innovations of the coming 2021 generation of vehicles which can be directly compared.” said Michael Degen, Executive Director at Messe Düsseldorf. “Visitors can look forward to a great line-up of brands, models and vehicle layouts. It is, of course, regrettable that some companies will not be present this year but this is obviously their own individual decision. The visitor structure also puts those responsible in a positive mood. Since over 90% of the visitors at the last CARAVAN SALON came from Germany and the Benelux countries, the travel distances for this target group are relatively short. The end of the travel warning for 31 countries announced by the German government is also a positive signal.”
For further information on visiting or exhibiting at CARAVAN SALON 2020, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America by phone at (312) 781-5180 and email at [email protected].
“The entire Messe Düsseldorf team is looking forward to this new start in September and, with competence, enthusiasm and passion, is doing everything in its power to make this year’s CARAVAN SALON once again an unforgettable experience with the highest possible hygiene standards,” Degen said.
For hotel and travel information, contact TTI Travel, Inc. at (866) 674-3476 or [email protected]; www.ttitravel.net.