EXCLUSIVE: Go RVing Canada Updates Site, Program

A picture of the Go RVing Canada logo

Go RVing Canada is lifting up the RV industry one new initiative at a time, including an updated website, dealer tie-in program and regional trade show promotions.

With Go RVing Canada’s new website launch Feb. 20, visitors can use the expanded Plan a Trip page to click through interactive travel itineraries across the country. Right now, website visitors can route themselves from one location to another. A partnership with Nomad Reservations, which helped Go RVing Canada build its current website, will facilitate searching and booking campgrounds along the way.

A new dealer tie-in landing page will accompany the website launch. The dealer tie-in program will remain free to dealers, and the launch includes online access to Go RVing Canada’s new adventure and lifestyle images, videos and posters. Julia Bouterakos, communications and project coordinator at Go RVing Canada, said, “We are trying to support dealers in any way that we can.”

Dealers can enhance unit listings by achieving the updated Premiere status. Premiere status includes images and descriptions in addition to the previous website and phone number listings. The additional information boosts brand visibility on Go RVing Canada’s website and improves SEO, Bouterakos said, increasing traffic to Premiere dealerships.

The annual Premiere rate will be $249.99 with a promotional period of $100 off.

Bouterakos said, “When they opt into the dealer program, they will get a badge that will bump them to the top of the search list.”

Go RVing Canada will continue promoting this year’s virtual and in-person trade shows in email newsletters. Go RVing Canada teamed up with Jungle Agency and Agnostic Media to ensure every regional show gets 2-3 weeks of promotion before the first show date.

Bouterakos said, “Jungle media has helped us with all our SEO and put together all our social media and search engine marketing ads.”

Agnostic Media will pitch the shows to regional media outlets and event pages to increase traffic. “The goal is to promote dealers by putting out campaigns in that area,” Bouterakos said.


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