Florida RV Association Chapter Donates to Hurricane Michael Relief

Florida RV Trade Association FRVTA logo

The Northeast Florida Chapter of the Florida RV Trade Association (FRVTA) has donated $5,000 to help with continuing Hurricane Matthew relief efforts still underway in the Florida Panhandle.

Northeast Florida FRVTA Board President Ken Loyd says when they learned that significant disaster relief was still need around Mexico Beach and in several panhandle areas, chapter members got involved to make a difference. Members of seven other FRVTA chapters join the effort as well.

According to FRVTA Marketing Director Dave Kelly, the state FRTVA office pledged to match all region donations up to $10,000. In total, FRTVA and its seven regional chapters donated $25,000 for Hurricane Michael relief efforts.

“We’re working directly with people on the ground in the panhandle to ensure that every dollar we donate is going directly to help recovery victims,” Kelly says.

Hurricane Michael, which made landfall last October, was the first category 5 hurricane to strike the United States mainland since Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

In addition, it was the third-most intense Atlantic hurricane to make landfall on the mainland U.S. in terms of pressure, behind the 1935 Labor Day hurricane and Hurricane Camille of 1969, and was the 10th-costliest Atlantic Hurricane—resulting in $25.1 billion in damage.

Kelly noted that support from the local community and those who have attended FRVTA’s shows in recent years helped their chapter raise funds for this effort. They were all invested in helping their Florida neighbors get their lives back on track following Hurricane Michael.

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