RVIA Details Happy Camper Profile

Campers outside their travel trailer near a rock formation in the American southwest

RVIA recently examined another cluster identified in the Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile. This cluster is the Happy Campers.

Happy Campers make up 3% of RVers, RVIA said. On average, they use their RVs 180 days out of the year and during 75% of their vacation time. Described as snowbirds, they embrace RV travel for half the year to escape from the weather and their household budget.

RVIA said Happy Campers also are open to travel in any season, with 76% hitting the road in the spring and 83% in the summer. Likewise, 74% travel in the fall and 67% in the winter.

The study found Happy Campers’ reasons to travel in an RV included visiting a location with natural beauty, controlling their itinerary and spending time outdoors and in nature. Popular hobbies among this cluster include outdoor sports such as hiking, fishing and water recreational activities. For accommodations, 55% stay at a private campground, 35% stay at a state park and 31% at an RV resort.

The cluster includes two subcategories: the Movers and Shakers and Rest and Relaxation.

Movers and Shakers make up 45% of the Happy Campers, RVIA said. They enjoy going on adventures, visiting locations with natural beauty and are often on the road for half of the year.

Rest and Relaxation campers view RV travel as an escape, RVIA said. They may relocate to an RV resort for half of the year and seek out opportunities to unwind and avoid vacation hassles.

The Happy Camper’s demographics are 56% female and 44% male. Retired workers make up 49% of the cluster. Of those still in the workforce, half make less than $65,000. Two-thirds are over age 55 and 84% live with no children at home.

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