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DMS Provider Launches New Recall Integration

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Forest River and Integrated Dealer Systems (IDS) joined forces to deliver important information to dealers. The service provider created a new integration between the manufacturer and its dealer management system.

The Open Recall integration provides dealers with instant alerts about current recall information on Forest River RVs.

Previously, dealers would navigate OE portals to determine whether a recall notice was issued.

IDS General Manager Frank Tamburrini said the new integration is a major milestone.

A picture of IDS General Manager Frank Tamburrini, who will be a speaker at the 2021 RVDA convention/expo
Frank Tamburrini, IDS general manager.

He said, “We are laying the foundation for a fully connected dealership ecosystem that drives success across the industry.”

Forest River co-CEO Doug Gaeddert said being a dealer network’s best partner is among Forest River’s most important goals.

A picture of Forest River's Doug Geaddert.
Doug Gaeddert, Forest River co-CEO.

“The collaboration and resulting partnership we have formed with IDS is the most recent step,” he said. “We will continue to develop data and systems integration solutions for the benefit of our mutual customers and the overall industry.”

To learn more about IDS, click here.

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